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- Acervo de Recursos de Instituciones de Educacion Superior (ARIES)
- American Institute of Monterrey
The American Institute of Monterrey, S.C. is a bilingual institution focused on pre-school, primary and junior high school levels of education. - Asociacion de Ingenieros Universitarios Mecanicos Electricistas
Monthtly bulletin with some working offers for people related in this area and the study plans concerning Physics, Mathemathics and Engineering in this University. - CENAPRED Home Page
The main objetive of CENAPRED is to promote the application of technologies for disaster prevention and mitigation, to give related training and to disseminate preparedness and self-protection measures. - Centro de Estudios de Opinion
- Centro de Estudios sobre la Universidad
- Centro de Investigacion y Servicios Museologicos
- Consejo Tecnico de Humanidade
- Coordinacion de Estudios de Posgrado
- DGIA-Direccion General de Intercambio Academico
- Difusion Cultural UNAM
- Direccion General de Actividades Deportivas y Recreativas
- Direccion General de Intercambio Academico
- Direccion General de Proteccion a la Comunidad
- Estacion Metereologica Sur del CCH Plantel Sur
- Gaceta UNAM
The Instituto de Estudios Económicos y Regionales (INESER) was developed formally by the General Council of the University of Guadalajara - Instituto Nacional Indigenista
- Instituto de Investigaciones Economicas
- Instituto de Investigaciones Esteticas
En 1935, the pioneer Mexican art historian Manuel Toussaint founded the Laboratorio de Arte, precursor of the Instituto de Investigaciones Esteticas, - Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales
- Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales
- Legislacion Universitaria
- Programa Universitario de Investigación en Salud
- Proyecto C.A.S. en el Estado de México
The Project C.A.S. form part of the Special Education Department of the Educational Services Integrated to the State of Mexico - governmental dependency, public and decentralized - - Red de Educacion Continua-REDEC-UNAM
- Servicios Hemerograficos-UNAM
- Sistema de Informacion sobre Latinoamerica
- Sociedad Mexicana de Cristalografia-UNAM
- SorteoTec
- UDLA-P , Departamento de Electronica
web page of the UDLA-P's electronic's department at Puebla, Mexico - UNAM-Consejo tecnico de Humanidades
- UNAM-Division de Estudios de Posgrado Facultad de Economia
- Web de Apoyo Estudiantil-Acatlan